Recipe Pages

Digital Typography
In my Digital Typography class, I spent the entire quarter diving into Typography principles and mastering various InDesign features. I took what I learned and applied it to my final project, where I got to showcase my skills by creating visually appealing spreads for my favorite recipe.

Recipe Pages Process

This project took me a total of four weeks to complete. In the span of four weeks, I had one lab wall critique and one lecture critique. For the lab critique, we had to print and trim our designs and tape it up on the wall to receive feedback. Then a week later we had a lecture critique where we traded our designs with a partner and received feedback for any missing requirements. The most difficult part of this project was following all the requirements listed by the professor. Even though there were a lot of details to remember (such as no hyphenation in text, no widows, runts or orphans at all), I had a lot of fun playing around with photography and type and learning more about magazine design principles.


One of my favorite parts of GrC projects is being able to integrate different creative mediums into a single project. For instance, I was able to use my photography skills to photograph my recipe and include it in my final project. I used my DSLR camera to get the best results and made touch-ups using Adobe Lightroom.

Tying it in with Typography

After I had my photos, I began creating my layouts in InDesign. I picked Sans and Mr Eaves typefaces because their modern and elegant look aligned well with my recipe. I used grids to align all my elements and experimented with different ideas until I was happy with the outcome.

Thanks for viewing!

Even though these projects are not UX Case Studies, I learned a lot of invaluable lessons such as time managements, juggling multiple deadlines, using different softwares, and learning quickly while remaining flexible. I also learned about different design principles such as hierarchy, contrast, repetition, and alignment. I include projects such as these to showcase the wide range of skills my University has taught me, and also to highlight my passion for all things design related.
