Consumer Driven Innovation & Methodology

Consumer Packaging
I used the principles of consumer driven innovation and the ABC model of creativity to redesign a brand of my choosing. I improved the value to consumers through package graphics and structure, with a particular emphasis on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility.

The Brand: Glossier

I opted to revamp Glossier, focusing specifically on their Cloud Paint product line. Renowned for its superb liquid blush formula boasting rich pigmentation and enduring wear, the Glossier Cloud Paint holds a special place in the hearts of makeup enthusiasts. However, its current packaging presents challenges in usability. While its paint tube-inspired design is whimsical and inventive, it often results in messy application, making it tricky to regulate the amount of product dispensed. This not only leads to wastage of the precious blush but also compromises the user experience.In response to this issue, I devised a packaging solution that addresses both the wastage and mess concerns while remaining faithful to the brand's distinctive identity.

Demographic Information

Glossier 's unique branding and commitment to simple and natural makeup attracts mostly millennial and Gen Z women. Glossier's main customer base is 24.4 million women ages of 15 to 30 in the United States that wear makeup.  Glossier appeals to younger generations because they began as an online only store, with only recently launching their products in Sephora. Younger generations tend to shop online more often than older generations. Glossier targets makeup-lovers that can afford high-end makeup, which typically means these women have steady incomes.

Age Range: 15 to 30 year old women
Economic position: The median weekly income for women ages 15 to 30 ranges anywhere from $656 to $1,201.
Identity: Glossier's main consumer base is mostly women
Lifestyle: Glossier's emphasis on natural makeup appeals to people with active lifestyles, or to people looking for simple makeup on-the-go
Values: Since Glossier target's younger generations, the consumers typically prefer clean and organic ingredients, and a brand with good morals

User Persona

Sarah Smith

Background: Sarah is a 27 year old professional working in a fast-paced corporate environment. She values efficiency and seeks out high-quality products to streamline her daily routine. She enjoys expressing her creativity with fun makeup looks.
Needs and Goals: Sarah prioritizes products that are easy to use and integrate seamlessly into her schedule. She seeks out makeup items that deliver excellent results and enhance her natural features. She desires packaging that is practical and mess-free, allowing for quick and easy applications. She is also conscious of environmental impact and prefers products that minimize waste and are environmentally friendly.
Challenges: Sarah finds the current packaging of Glossier's Cloud Paint inconvenient, messy, and wasteful, which detracts from her overall makeup experience
Motivations: She stays updated on the latest beauty trends and seeks out innovative products that align with her preferences and values. Moreover, Sarah actively supports brands that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendliness in their packaging and product design.

"As someone who values both quality and efficiency in my makeup routine, I find it frustrating when a great product like Glossier's Cloud Paint is let down by its packaging. I'm on the lookout for alternatives that offer both excellent performance and user-friendly design."

Problem Statement

Glossier's Cloud Paint boasts exceptional makeup qualities but suffers from subpar packaging. The current tube design poses challenges in usability, cleanliness, and product conservation.

ABC Model

A- Analogous Thinking

An exemplary innovation worth noting is Rare Beauty's Soft Pinch Blushes. These blushes feature a user-friendly design with an easy-to-grip top, particularly beneficial for individuals with disabilities. Additionally, the doe-foot applicator encourages efficient product usage, minimizing waste. This thoughtful approach to accessibility and sustainability could serve as inspiration for enhancing Glossier's liquid blush offerings.

B- Biomimicry

Aloe vera leaves have a naturally ergonomic shape with rounded edges and a smooth surface that fits comfortably in the hand. Mimicking the contours and texture of an Aloe vera leaf in the design of the blush packaging could provide users with a tactile and easy-to-grip surface, enhancing accessibility for individuals with disabilities while also evoking a sense of organic beauty and sustainability.

C- Connect and Develop

To authentically showcase the product's essence and bolster its promotion, Glossier could explore crafting additional items featuring paint-inspired packaging. Alternatively, they could offer sets of multiple Cloud Paint shades housed in an artistically designed painting case, creating a cohesive and visually appealing collection for customers.


The tube's structural integrity will remain unchanged, while its cap will feature an innovative applicator inspired by Rare Beauty's pinch applicator, resembling a paintbrush to align seamlessly with the brand's paint motif. Additionally, the cap will be widened for improved grip and ease of twisting open. This thoughtful redesign not only reduces waste and enhances accessibility for individuals with disabilities but also preserves the product's paint-inspired aesthetic.
Here is the before (left) vs. proposed solution (right):


Contrary Research. (n.d.). Glossier. Retrieved from (Accessed February 19, 2024).
Center for American Progress. (2023). Fact Sheet: The State of Women in the Labor Market in 2023. Retrieved from (Accessed February 19, 2024).USA Today. (n.d.).
Rare Beauty's Accessible Packaging. Retrieved from February 19, 2024).Statista. (n.d.).
Sephora and Ulta and Target: Beauty Shoppers Age in the United States in 2023. Retrieved from February 19, 2024).
