Marketing Proposal

Course: Sales and Marketing
I worked alongside a group of three students for an entire quarter to come up with a product and market it to the food and restaurant industry. Although this product was a prototype, we conducted real focus groups sessions and interviewed real restaurant managers in San Luis Obispo. We also conducted research and drafted plans.

The Marketing Process

Our group wanted to focus on sustainability in restaurants, so we designed "Green Up Clean Up" kits for restaurants to promote better recycling and proper waste management habits amongst customers. We spent 10 weeks designing, researching, planning, and creating marketing collateral. At the end of our 10-week quarter, we presented our marketing proposal to our professor and other Cal Poly students.

Presentation Specifications:

The Branding


Mascot Design:


"Be part of the solution, not the pollution"

Brand Identity:

Regie the Raccoon- Raccoons can be fun and approachable mascot for campaigns that focus on waste reduction and recycling.

Marketing Plan (Summarized):

In conclusion, our product, Clean Up Green Up, has significant potential to support our marketing and business objectives. By targeting the restaurant industry with our waste management and recycling solution, we aim to make a positive impact on the environment while also generating revenue for Theory Printing.

The identification of our target market and prospect base reveals a substantial opportunity for growth. With the restaurant industry valued at $55.7 billion in the US market, there is a large customer base to tap into. San Luis Obispo, where we are initially launching our product, has a thriving food services industry, making it an ideal location to introduce our solution. By targeting casual restaurants where customers are responsible for managing their own waste, we can address a specific pain point in the industry and position our product as a valuable solution.

Our product outlook is ambitious yet achievable. Starting in our local county, we plan to expand into surrounding counties as our product gains traction and success. Ultimately, our goal is to have Clean Up Green Up present in restaurants across the country. This long-term vision demonstrates our commitment to scaling the product and maximizing its impact.

The pricing strategy we have determined through lab discussions ensures that we maintain a profitable margin. With two kit options offering a range of signage and promotional materials, we have priced them competitively. Kit #1, priced at $99.99, allows us to make a profit of $47.49 per sale, while Kit #2, priced at $149.99, yields a profit of $61.49 per sale. These profit margins demonstrate the potential financial viability of our product and its ability to contribute to Theory Printing's revenue growth.

To promote and distribute Clean Up Green Up, we will leverage our website as a central hub for showcasing our product, promotions, and deals. This online presence allows restaurant owners to conveniently access information and make purchases. Additionally, we will handle the production of our signage in-house at Theory Printing, ensuring quality control and timely delivery to our customers.

In terms of competition, while there are existing products and initiatives aimed at waste management and signage, they often lack appealing aesthetics and engaging graphics. Our product stands out with the use of our mascot, Reggie the Raccoon, and visually appealing graphics. By incorporating these elements, we differentiate ourselves from competitors and create a more memorable and effective solution for restaurants.

Looking into the future, Clean Up Green Up has the potential to enable Theory Printing to enter the restaurant industry and establish a strong presence. With each sale generating a profit of approximately $50, the product has the potential to pay for itself over time. Moreover, as our brand grows and we expand our customer base, Clean Up Green Up can generate additional revenue for Theory Printing, further supporting our business objectives.

Overall, the combination of a large market opportunity, competitive pricing, effective promotion and distribution strategies, and the potential for revenue generation positions Clean Up Green Up as a promising product for Theory Printing's marketing and business goals.

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